
Fitness Essentials First Annual AFT 'Lite' Weekend

Big Bear Lake, June 6-7, 1998

The Lift Up the Mountain before Biking The Lift Up the Mountain before Biking
Melodie & Dean on the Trail Melode & Dean on the Trail
Nini Takes A Spill Nini Takes A Spill
Nini's Wound Nini's Wound
Melodie Finishes Melodie Finishes!
A Picture of the Surrounding Mountains During the Hike A Picture of the Mountains
A View Up the Slope A View Up the Slope during the Hike
Greg & Melodie At The Peak Greg & Melodie at the Peak
During a Rest on the Hike Resting On the Trail (Melodie, Nini, Crystal, Greg)
The view across Big Bear Lake before our Canoe Trip - Sunday AM View of Mountains Across Big Bear Lake - Sunday AM
On The Lake Melodie & Dean - Notice the rough water and fog in the background
Dean, Melodie, & Nini - Happy to have survived the Weekend (and each other...) Dean, Melodie, Nini - Sunday PM
The Group The Group - Melodie, Greg, Crystal (Canoe Stud), Nini, Dean. Tony & Valerie are in front.

Check out the Adventure Fitness Training page at: http://www.filmbiz.com/adventurefitness/
